Diagnosing And Managing Allergies In Children
If You Suspect That Your Child Has An Allergy, Finding The Cause Can Guide Them To A Healthier And Enjoyable Life.
How To Diagnose
What Happens During An Allergy Diagnosis?
- allergy testing can help determine whether your child’s symptoms are caused by an allergy or not.
- consult a specialist, who will choose and conduct the appropriate diagnoses.
- if an allergy is found, your doctor will advise a suitable therapy including strategies and allergy medicines like antihistamines.
- the diagnosis process involves getting a detailed medical history of the child, family history of allergies, physical exams and sensitivity tests.
- diagnosing food allergies involves a careful history including all foods could be implicated, time of onset of reactions, parts of the body involved etc.
- identify your child’s allergies as early as possible to improve their quality of life, reduce missed school days and avoid using vacation time as sick days.
Once The Diagnosis Is Confirmed, Your Doctor Will Suggest You The Most Suitable Therapy, Including Avoidance, Medication, Diet Changes And Allergy Shots.
Tips To Manage Allergies
- for food allergies, strictly avoid the identified food until the sensitivity has decreased.
- decrease your child’s exposure to triggers by controlling the environment at home. for example, keep the humidity below 50% and protect mattresses and pillows to avoid dust mites.
- irritants in the environment, such as cigarette smoke, should be avoided. you can also control allergy symptoms with medicines like decongestants and antihistamines for conditions such as allergic rhinitis.
- antihistamines are also frequently recommended for hives.12 an allergy specialist can help you determine which medicines are best for your child.